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***UPDATE***June 2021 following new state guidlines for congregational settings. No social distancing required however masks are still encouraged. 


Dear UBBC family and visiting friends we are excited to worship corporately again. As we navigate these unprecedented times we want to make sure everyone is aware of our worship service protocols. If you are feeling ill stay home, rest, and take advantage of our virtual worship. People that have serious chronic medical conditions (heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, etc.) are at higher risk of getting very sick from COVID-19. We also advise those persons to partake in our virtual worship. Below you will find details on how UBBC is keeping our members and visitors safe should you decide to come in person. We will have plenty of hand sanitizer available upon entry of our sanctuary. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us. We look forward to seeing you all whether in person or virtually, we are one in Christ!

Attending service requirements:

  • Anyone over 10 must wear mask   
  • Temperatures will be taken upon entry.
  • Per CDC guidelines any person presenting with 100.4 temp or higher will not be permitted to enter. 
  • Households will sit together.   
  • Practice social distancing by staying 6ft apart   
  • Only the restroom at the front entrance will be available for use   
  • No Sunday school   
  • Children's church will only be held via zoom on designated date/time   
  • Communion cups and offering envelopes will be placed in seating area (bring your pen)   
  • Offering can be placed in basket upon arrival or departure. Consider using app for giving. Search: Union Branch Baptist Church - Amelia